How to Treat Your Spinal Stenosis

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January 18, 2018
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If you have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis, it is important to understand your treatment options. Here at NSPC in Long Island, NY our award-winning team of doctors is ready to walk you through the process to back pain relief. To begin your journey of learning more about your spinal stenosis treatment options, check out the information below.

Try conservative back treatments first

When you first get diagnosed with spinal stenosis, back surgery might be on your mind. Although this is an option, more conservative treatment options could benefit you greatly. At the beginning of any treatment plan, our physicians will investigate basic pain relief options to see if they can improve your situation first. These pain-relieving techniques include:

  • muscle relaxants
  • anti-inflammatory medications
  • pain-relieving drugs
  • steroid injections
  • physical therapy

Many times if your pain can be reduced enough, physical therapy can help to improve your spinal discomfort. If these methods do not improve your spinal stenosis, surgery might give you the results you are looking for.

What are some traditional surgical options?

Depending on the location, type and severity of your spinal stenosis, there are several different types of surgical procedures. These traditional spinal surgical options include removing bones or disc material along with possibly fusing the spine. Our team of surgeons and neurosurgeons are well versed in the many innovative techniques used to relieve suffering from spinal stenosis.
The list below includes just a few of the methods available:

Are you a candidate for minimally invasive spinal stenosis surgery?

With advances in spinal surgery, minimally invasive options are more readily available than before. When going through your surgical consultation process at NSPC, you will be informed if minimally invasive surgery is possible for your situation. These methods are beneficial for several reasons. They will help you recover faster with less pain. Due to the nature of minimally invasive techniques, you are less likely to have damage done to muscles and nerves during surgery.

If you are suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis or spinal stenosis of the neck, come in today to see our world-class team to discuss your choices to get you on the road to recovery. Spinal stenosis of the spine can severely decrease your quality of life. Don’t suffer from chronic back pain any longer. Our team of expert doctors is here to help you – give us a call today.